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From the spaces of perception to the spaces of politics

How the pandemic has changed the way we feel and perceive the world? How did the crisis and its governance act in the spatial dimension? The seminar “From the spaces of perception to the spaces of politics. Collisions, changes and resonances in times of pandemic crisis” – organized by PhD student of the course in Historical, Geographical and Anthropological Studies (University of Padova, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice and University of Verona) – addresses the discussion towards three wide-ranging critical nodes, which can be a stimulus for contributions framed in a theoretical-interpretative nature with references to case studies and research experiences having a strong territorial characterization:

1. collisions, clashes and contrasts between spatial practices – perceived, experienced
and/or narrated by politics;
2. changes and re-configurations of economic, social and environmental scenarios already
underway, accelerated or decelerated by the pandemic;
3. resonances and assemblages of signs and traces of the past that resurface in the present
suggesting, perhaps, paths of restart.

During the seminars, the following professors will speak: Prof. Chiara Rabbiosi (University of Padova), Prof. Michele Lancione (Politecnico of Torino), Prof. Pierpaolo Ascari (University of Bologna), Prof. Valentina Bonifacio ( Ca’ Foscari University of Venice) and Prof. Vito Teti (University of Calabria).

The seminar will take place online at the following link:

Download the flyer and the event programme here